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An Embarrassment of Riches

The lingering smell of gunpowder from New Year's Eve fireworks now washed away, this morning feels like a great day to start anew. I love South Carolina's January blooms--an embarrassment of riches for bright-spot watchers.

I could have opted to look at the ground beneath this bush--muddy grass and weeds topped with toppled and withered camellia flowers.  But shouldn't my inspiration come from the space where I breathe?

The time I have seems never enough. Money, too, and security, and flexibility, and physical strength, and influence, and friends, and know-how, always seem in short supply. But equally true, I hope and pray, are pleasant surprises, lessons available for willing minds, and paths forward for the brave.

Today, I'll finish my prayers, light a candle, eat a healthy breakfast, and work through the stack of folders and miscellaneous notes from the busy days of December to find vivid blossoms worth my attention at the start of this grand New Year.  

"Let the dead bury the dead." Better things are ahead.
